Reimagining our Support of Victims of Crime
In the drama known as the criminal justice system victims of crime are frequently relegated to a minor supporting role. Judges, prosecuting attorneys and defense counsel are the ensemble cast stars. Very quickly, the “routine” processes of taking statements, collecting evidence, writing reports, filing cases,setting and rescheduling an endless sequence of trial dates takes precedence. In many places, the fact that a person was victimized is quickly forgotten. The system immediately focuses on the rights of the suspect/defendant and ensuring he is afforded due process. Of course this is important. Our system of justice is framed around this. But in the near future, it is our hope that a parallel system of justice develops for victims of crime that is grounded in the belief that there is a societal obligation to help them rebuild their lives. We rely heavily on the seminal work done in the field of parallel justice for victims of crime developed by Susan Herman, who among other things, was the director of the National Center for Victims of Crime.
Here we examine the future of how the police, and society at-large, views victims of crime. We endeavor to tease out future-oriented discussions about the future of victim services, police mindsets about victims, police culture as it relates to victims of crime, etc. In doing so, we look at existing programs like the Burlington Community Justice Center in Vermont. We explore how this approach to supporting victims of crime can be replicated and developed further in the future. And we will search for other strategies that we can integrate into a future policing approach that is effective, empathetic and just for victims of crime.
There is a wide breadth of issues related to this topics. We try to identify the most pressing and those where it appears their preferred future is most achievable. However, we will probably miss something. If you have suggestions for topics about the victims of crime you don’t see covered here please reach out to us at or use our contact page so we can explore your ideas further.
Future Policing and Parallel Justice: Helping Victims of Crime rebuild their Lives
Parallel Justice for Victims of Crime is a victim-centered framework that advocates for taking two approaches when responding to crime: holding offenders accountable while also providing support and justice for victims. The police, as the first point of contact for many victims, are in a unique position to initiate the victim healing process. There are several ways in which the police can contribute today to the rebuilding of victims' lives, drawing on the principles of parallel justice and the recommendations of the National Center for Victims of Crime.