Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the Future of Policing Institute fellows are theirs and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent.

Policing the Public Square in the Digital Age: More Than Just Crowd Control
The complexities of public order policing in the digital age present a wide breadth of challenges to police agencies, regardless of size or region of the country. Social media and widespread information sharing pose both new opportunities and challenges for the police. The information landscape has fundamentally changed how protests unfold and how authorities need to respond.

Will mass demonstrations increase in the future?
It seems likely that mass demonstrations will remain a feature of society into the foreseeable future, given trends of increased global interconnection, economic disparities, social movements, political polarization and threats posed by artificial intelligence to various jobs conditions - conditions which provide fertile grounds for more mass protests to arise and be organized more easily thanks to advances in technology.