Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the Future of Policing Institute fellows are theirs and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent.

Training Your Nervous System: A Game-Changer for Life
We put so much effort into prepping our bodies for endurance feats, but our nervous system? Not so much. This is especially true for first responders. Well, it’s high time we treat our inner wiring like the star of the show if we want to shape our lives into the spectacular experiences we crave. If we hope to realize our preferred futures, whether that be personal or professional, the first thing we must do is attend to our own wellness. Our physical health begins with ensuring our mental health is where we want it to be – now, and in the future.

Reacting vs Responding when it counts (and it always counts!)
In policing, cops are frequently required to react to rapidly unfolding situations. And that’s appropriate. It may very well mean the difference between surviving an incident or having your name carved into the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in our nation’s capital. But reacting to most of the situations with which cops are confronted, as opposed to responding to them, is frequently an admission ticket to a citizen’s complaint investigation. The key is using the right reaction in the correct situation.